miércoles, septiembre 01, 2010

ERIH Conferencia Anual 2010

La conferencia del ERIH de este año se celebra en España ( felicitamos a la red catalana MNATEC por el éxito que supone esta convocatoria) y este año versará sobre:

"Mejores Prácticas en el Turismo Industrial".
Aqui reproducimos el programa que nos ha llegado así como datos de contacto para quien se encuentre interesado


Draft Programme ERIH Annual Conference 2010
TICCIH Tourism Section

28 – 29th October 2010, Terrassa

Version: 01st September 2010 (subject to change)

Wednesday, 27th October 2010

Delegates’ arrivals

21:00 Individual meeting for dinner (not included in conference fee)

Thursday 28th October 2010

08:45 Registration and coffee

09:00 – 09.30 Welcome Eusebi Casanelles I Rahola, mNACTEC, Spain

N.N. City Hall of Terrassa

ERIH Vice-President Hildebrand de Boer, NL

09:30 – 09.50 What is new in ERIH? – N.N.

09:50 – 10.10 Presentation 1 Can an industrial heritage be too “industrial”?

Camilla Lugnet, Grimeton Radio Station, Sweden

10.10 – 10.30 Presentation 2 Bringing a World Heritage Site Alive: The Role Of An

Activity Plan

Sarah McLeod, The Arkwright Society, Great Britain

10.30 – 10.50 Presentation 3 Itinéraire de la Culture Industrielle

Different aspects, different perspectives of cross-border

industrial heritage

Daisy van Steene, Karima Haoudy, Ecomusée Bois-du-Luc,


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

Regional Routes

11:30 – 11.50 Presentation 4 The mNACTEC system – industrial heritage network in


Eusebi Casanelles I Rahola., Spain

11.50 – 12.10 Presentation 5 Open Days of Industrial Culture Rhine-Main – a good

practice example from the Frankfurt Region

Sabine von Bebenburg, Germany

12.10 – 12.30 Presentation 6 The industrial monuments route of the Silesian

voivodeship promotion (Poland)

Dr. Adam Hajduga, Poland

12.30 – 12.50 Presentation 7 ENERGY-Route of Lusatian Industrial Heritage – Tourism

Product and Marketing Network

Antje Boshold, Germany

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break at the invitation of the Museum mNACTEC

14:30 – 14.50 Presentation 8 Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum

Jan-Anders Dam-Nielsen, Norway

14.50 – 15.10 Presentation 9 Cultural History in Pottery Museums

Ilse Schuetz, Spain/Germany


15.10 – 15.30 Presentation 10 Houghton Visitor Walking Tour

Alessandra Brignola, United States

15.30 – 15.50 Presentation 11 Senje Coal Mine, Serbia

Borislav Surdic, Serbia

16:00 – 18:00 General Assembly of

ERIH European Route

of Industrial Heritage


(ERIH Members only) – other delegates can go on guided

tour in Terrassa

18:00 – 20:00 Assembly of TICCIH

Tourism Section

(TICCIH members only) other delegates can go on a guided

tour in Terrassa

21:00 Dinner at the invitation of the City Hall of Terrassa

Friday 29th October 2010

9:00 – 16:00 Excursion to various museum sites in Catalonia

At the end of the excursion there will be a stop at Barcelona Airport

ERIH Secretary General

Christiane Baum

Am Striebruch 42

40668 Meerbusch

Tel. 0049-2150-756496

Fax 0049-2150-756497

E-Mail: germany@erih.net


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